

hier the screens for the bug

the server is
RAM 14,0/256M • SQL 73 • PHPv 7.2.26-1+0~20191218.33+debian8~1.gbpb5a34b
the theme is WROCK_Metro

First the webside

The left sidebar      is  Treffen Ankündigungen

If i go (in Admin Modus) DESIGN-WIDGETS all running ok, i can edit and publish the widgets „Treffen Ankündigungen“. The text is „20 Februar (Weiberfastnacht). 2020……..“



All good, but the problem beginns: if I go via DESIGN-CUTOMIZER

OVER The Button „UPGRADE TO PRO“ is the BUTTON „Veröffentlicht“, in engl. Puplish or so

the next step, i will edit left sidebar widgets Treffen Ankündigungen

In the moment, i click to “ Treffen Ankündigungen“ two things are beginnung:
– in the window „Treffen Ankündigungen“ is the Text“ Februar (Weiberfastnacht). 2020…….. “

and second: Over the button “ Veröffentlichen“ ( Publish), there is a new windows with the text “ URL einfügen oder zum Suchen tippen“ ( URL insert or to search type)

now, i can not publish the new text because the new windows with „URL einfügen oder zum Suchen tippen“..“ ( insert url or to search type“
The new window i can not remove or shift to a other place.

this text as pdf text_metro_bug

what is wrong – or what i do wrong ?

can u help us ?
